Friends, we are just two weeks away from launching our exciting new enterprise! Come back to this site on Friday, Dec. 5, when we will be posting lectionary musings for all four Sundays in January. As you begin to think about how you will engage the texts for the first month of 2009 – either preaching, teaching, or studying – please drop by and peruse the reflections gathered here. You’ll also be an integral part of the discussion, so feel free to respond with insights and questions of your own – and send a link to your friends and colleagues, so we can have as many voices as possible.
Would you like to be a writer? Give us your feedback.
As of now, we have secured writers almost all the way through March 2009 and we are very interested in finding more. If you would like to schedule a week to write for the blog, please contact Andrew Taylor-Troutman at Andrew.TaylorTroutman@union-
Thanks for your interest – we hope you’re as excited as we are to get underway!
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